
“I’m not insightful enough to be a movie critic. Maybe I could be a food critic. ‘These muffins taste bad.’ Or an art critic. ‘That painting is bad.'”

Andy Bernard from The Office

I like to read books. I like to watch movies. And television.

I also like to write. And what better to write about than books and movies and television?

Everyone’s a critic. I might as well be a critic with correct grammar and a visual appealing blog.

The Name

Hypocriticism: n. Colorful commentary, typically unhelpful advice, offered by a person guilty of making the same mistakes. (Source: Urban Dictionary)

Hypocriticism is a portmanteau of hypocritical and criticism.

Everyone is a critic, yet no one is perfect. So everyone is hypocritical. We are all guilty to some degree of hypocriticism.

In which case, we might as well embrace the idea and consume popular culture with a critical eye and creative thinking.

Everyone also has opinions. That doesn’t make us special — it makes us human.

How To Contribute

Want to help me keep this blog alive? Great. I need all the help I can get.

Write a review of pop culture. Make it original. Spell things correctly. Read the writer guidelines. Then send it to jamrobcar@gmail.com.

I reserve the right to edit it in any way I deem necessary. But my intentions are pure. I can’t pay anyone. What I can do is give you credit.

What are you waiting for? Go be critical.