This book is memorable and will leave you on edge. Any reader can tell that Chris Cleave spent time trying to truly capture each character in this book. They each are memorable in a different way.
The book is in first person but switches the view from two different protagonists, Little Bee and Sara. Little Bee is a young Nigerian girl that any reader could relate to and Sara is a London magazine author.
I always read the description on the back of a book to prevent myself from judging the cover. This book’s description told me nothing about the book except that it should be kept a secret. After reading the book, I have realized why keeping it a secret is so important. It will blow your mind.
Hope. That is the word that would describe the whole book. I recently learned that man can live 40 days without food, 3 days without water, 8 minutes without air, but not a second without hope. The book Little Bee proves this lesson.
I encourage everyone to read this book. Even if it is not a type of book you enjoy reading, you may learn something about hope and realize how blessed you are. This story will touch your heart just like it did mine.