Captain America: Civil War

Captain America Civil War

Rating: 4/5

Three-Word Summary: Good guy fight

When good guy superheros face off against one another who wins? Marvel.

That much is evident from the movie giant’s latest installation.

Perhaps not the absolute best of the so-far 13 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America: Civil War is certainly among the most entertaining.

After the various members of the Avengers have been busy saving the world from certain doom, the world finally realizes that their super salvation comes with some hefty collateral damage.

This leads to a groundswell of disdain for the superheros from the common public. A sheepish Iron Man agrees that the powerful need to be held more accountable for their actions. But Captain America disagrees, arguing that the heroes must be free from such petty constraints.

Some internal bickering increase and causes the Avengers to cleave into two halves supporting either side. This climaxes into the epic fight scene between the two groups. In fact, this climax built up not only in this film but several of the other dozen or so previous Marvel movies.

The filmmakers did a passable job of demonstrating the value of each argument. However, the tables were slightly tilted in favor of the liberty-loving Captain America (it was his movie after all). And all of this was undercut by a twist ending, which was the most satisfying piece of the entire film.

Overall, the Civil War does just enough to slightly standout in a room growing increasingly crowded with superhero films. And while this good guy fight was fun, it’s only a matter of time before Marvel over floods the market and dilutes the value of their own work.