Pebble Watch

Pebble Watch

Rating: 5/5

Three-Word Summary: Notifications to wrist

From smart watches to Google glass, wearable technology is the latest trend.

This trend was legitimized recently by the Apple Watch, but there were plenty of smart watches prior to Apple’s release.

One of the front runners was Pebble. They are a company build solely on the smart watch industry. Unlike some other wearable tech companies, the emphasis is placed on the watch, instead of just the smart.

When I was shopping for a possible smart watch purchase, I wanted a watch with some additional cool features, rather than a nifty wrist gadget that also happened to tell time.

Based on this premise, the Pebble seemed like the best option for me. They had recently launched their second generation line, Pebble Steel, that was much more sleek and sophisticated compared to their almost cartoonish first generation.

Now, I wear my Pebble Steel on a daily basis with optimum satisfaction. Plenty of people ask me about my watch. Some mistake it for an Apple Watch. I can always tell that some one is tech savvy if they actually recognize it as a Pebble product.

The beauty of the Pebble is its simplicity. They built a cool digital watch that also happens to have some apps and receive push notifications from my phone.

This means that the battery lasts a week rather than a day and it actually functions similarly to a regular watch. It’s comfortable, unobtrusive and practical.

The Pebble comes in most handy when I’m receiving a call or text in the car or during a meeting. It allows me to quickly check on whether its important enough to answer immediately or ignore until later.

Because of the simplicity of these tasks, I don’t need the Pebble to do everything. In my opinion, other smart watches seem to be attempting to do to much. The entire appeal of having another screen on my wrist is only providing the information I need.

That was the logic that caused me to purchase a Pebble in the first place and the reason that I am glad I did. For a small startup company that has been built entirely on an emerging technology, they’ve created a remarkable product.

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