Stuff Christians Like

Stuff Christians Like

Rating: 3/5

Three-Word Summary: Parody religious trends

Stuff Christians Like is a blog, written by Christian celebrity/comedian Jon Acuff. He borrowed the idea from another blog, called Stuff White People Like, created by Christian Lander.

It may be worth noting that the stuff that white people like and the stuff that Christians like are sometimes (often) the same stuff.

Both Acuff and Lander turned their popular blog content into equally popular books. Books have a much more linear form than blogs. They’re also much more papery.

In his book/blog, Acuff parodies most (if not all) of the Christian stereotypes: from selecting which Bible verses to notice, to all worship leaders wearing skinny jeans. These tropes are familiar enough to make most Christians laugh, but uncomfortably so.

The thing to like about Acuff is he doesn’t sugar coat or pull punches in his writing. Incidentally, sugar coating and pulling punches is something Christians like. He references it occasionally in the book.

Reading Stuff Christians Like was enjoyable, but the content works better in the blog format than as a book. The sections were quick and easy to read, but seemed to bleed together after a little while. I’ll still continue to consume Acuff’s content on the blog (and social media), but this wasn’t his best book. And he’s written a few.